Acid Reflux: The story of a little girl named God and her pet Universe. Not our Universe, thankfully. This one's a mess, and probably a role-playing game on some kid's computer. Not that I blame her. It's hard to run things from the inside. Just ask Damonk. |
Alice!: Sort of a "Calvin & Hobbes with girls" type thing. Sweet, tender and juicy. |
Avalon: A kind of soap opera, but one that doesn't take itself too seriously. About all I can give you is it takes place in a Canadian high school and the names are hard to pronounce. Skillful and intelligent. |
Backing Out of the Outback: Backing Out concerns a family of anthropomorphic dingoes moving to America from Australia in a post-humanity Earth. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that YOU were somehow responsible for mankind's extinction. So. Ya blew it all to Hell, ya maniac. Damn you. Damn you to Hell. |
Bob the Angry Flower: Bob the Angry Flower. It's about Bob. An angry flower. |
Bohemials: A hauntingly well drawn and intelligent "furry" strip. So much so, in fact, that it makes me mildly uncomfortable. |
Bruno the Bandit: Somewhere, in a far-away land where magic thrives and the art is beyond reproach, a handsome rogue and his faithful microdragon brave countless obstacles in fantastic journeys to the heart of adventure, besting the forces of darkness and claiming wondrous treasures as their own! ...And monkeys could fly out my butt. |
The Changing Workplace: An otter cartoonist chronicles his adventures working with a business dedicated to handling bizarre and unexpected transformations. As a common browser of The Transformation Story Archive myself, I find this a very enjoyable site. Just nobody tell Sandra or I could be sued for wrongful demonization. |
Chopping Block: If Gary Larson had been a homicidal maniac instead of a cartoonist... well, he probably would've killed a bunch of people instead of doing a cartoon. |
Cigarro and Cerveja: Cigarro and Cerveja. One smokes so much her lungs would have shrunk into a parrallel universe if she wasn't a cartoon. The other drinks so much his liver should by all rights be bigger than his body. She's a rabbit. He's a duck. They're college students. These are their lives. |
Clan of the Cats: A kind of "X-Files" for Wicca. Chelsea Chattan visits her country home to find out she's a werepanther and a witch. Dealing with family is always awkward... |
The Class Menagerie: Frankly, it baffles me that a bunch of svelte anthropomorphic college students don't indulge in a 24-hour orgy. |
College Roomies from Hell!!!: Six teenagers. Picked to live in an underspaced college dorm. To find out what happens. When people stop being polite. And start turning into freaks. College Roomies From. Hell. |
Commander Kitty: ...Their continuing mission... to explore, and rock the socks off of, strange, new worlds... to seek out, and irritate, new life and new civilizations. To boldly exploit those weaker than they! doo-doooo, doodoodoodoooo...
Scotty Arsenault, you rock my world. |
The Cyantia Chronicles: Now, here we have multiple comic strips, among them Campus Safari and Satin and Silk. Since when did anthropomorphic skunks become so popular anyway? |
Dead Mans Party: The scenario: Your roommate dies and refuses to move out of the apartment. In that order. I really hate this artist... his professionalism makes me jealous. |
Dela the Hooda: a sentient vulpine from another dimension becomes stranded on Earth. A little like "ALF," except you don't grow out of it later and come to hate and despise it as a symbol of the mistakes you made in your youth which you can never take back. You know the kind. The Belfry's got a cute version of the same site here, though I don't know why. |
Diesel Sweeties: Proof that, in this society so often torn asunder by prejudice and irrational notion, love can thrive between a robot and an ex-porn star. |
Down to Earth: It looks like even in death office politics screw up your life! |
Dragon Boy: This seems so... familiar, somehow... |
Dragon Tails: Baby dragons live in the forest with a talking squirrel. Sure... it sounds cute... |
Dreamtime: It's like Puff the Magic Dragon, only on even more crack than usual! |
Ein Stuck Natur: This takes place in a weird other-world with various political factions each too stupid to make progress save through sheer luck and a colorful cast of archetypes frittering their lives away and questioning the nature of love. And Kid Rock. |
Elf Life: Oh, wow! THIS one's so good I feel like sticking a thumbtack in my RIGHT eye! |
El Goonish Shive: A mutation fetishist's dream come true. |
Exploitation Now: A babe and a thing which defies classification live above a 16-year old mad scientist. That's pretty much the formula for the perfect comic. |
FANS: Truly inspired webcartooning. I mean, really, this is worth seeing on so many levels. This is the story of not just a few fanboys and fangirls, a single band of freaks and geeks, but indeed... of us all. Yes... we have a life. Just sort of a creepy one. |
Fat Jesus!: Sure it's blasphemous, but it's also good like fresh apple pie! MMMM-MM! |
Framed!!!: A word of advice. Don't go mysteriously invited through any strange doors. Or you may end up on our turf. |
Freefall: And THIS one's so good I feel like wedging a spork through my bellybutton and tearing out my innards while devouring a grey hamster! |
Funny Farm: Tales of cats and secret agents, megolamaniacal computers and subservient calculators, chickens and high class. Only in the singular rather than plural. |
GPF: That's General Protection Fault, a computer message for which I have no comprehension. The comic's funny though. |
Head Doctor Productions: Ah, good old Dan Willingham. I can always depend on him to make me feel cold and dead inside. And don't we all need that, from time to time?
...Yes, we do. |
Hound's Home: Trust me... you haven't had nightmares this creepy. |
It's Walky: A ragtag band of misfits fight to protect the Earth from alien invasion Men In Black style. Believe it or not, this started out as a strip about two college roommates. |
Jackie's Fridge: A girl and her fridge. What could be more heartwarming? |
The Japanese Beetle: Possibly the coolest superhero ever created. His powers: He's the main character of the comic. His weaknesses: He's the main character of the comic. And women. |
Jeremy: The tale of a poor little dead kid and his quest to understand just why people don't like him. ...Offhand, I'd say it's because you're DEAD, stupid! Who likes dead people? |
J-Walkin': A nice little vacation from sanity with your friends Mega Man and the sock. |
Kevin & Kell: AAAHHHH... Smell that? It's called "quality." The great-grand-daddy of the entire webcomic genre, about the world's most diverse nuclear family. |
Krazy Larry: I feel a kind of kinship with Paul Southworth, you know? No, you don't. |
Latex BLUE: I'm not sure I should even be allowed to link this one... But the artist said my feet helped inspire it, so, y'know. Let's just say it's "Down the Rabbit Hole" with an entirely different meaning. Be waaarrrned. |
Living in Greytown: Somewhere deep in the heart of America is a town with no escape, a little slice of Hell where depravity and perversion run rampant, where decay is a way of life and where animals and humans alike struggle to go on against a tidle wave of crippling depression. You know you wanna pay a visit. |
Macropod Madness: Kangaroos, high school and mystical politics. And a psychotic bunny. =:) |
Melonpool: Yes, Melonpool, one of the oldest and best webcomics there is. It's got aliens, an alien clone, an alien dog, and an alien 220-pound talking hamster. Keep in mind that this formula was an original idea back when it was first thought up, before the concept became commonplace and cliche. |
Misty the Mouse: I'm a man. Do I need any other reason to link to this site? |
The Mr. Chuck Show: Ever wonder what would happen if muppets from an evil parallel dimension came to our world and got their own TV show? Apparently somebody did... |
Nerdz: Nerdz sez: Hey, Satan's just "one of the guys" once you get to know him. |
Newshounds: Sort of a "the cast of Murphy Brown got caught in a nuclear blast and mutated into talking animals" type thing. Except they're not mutants. Well, several of the castmembers did get nose jobs, but that's not freakish or anything. unless you consider the fact that they're dogs... in which case it's really freakish. Ah, this blurb is going nowhere. I may as well talk about socks. What do you think of socks? I think there could be a lot of improvements made. Like, don't ya hate it when you get a cut on your leg, and it starts bleeding, and the sock soaks up the blood, and it gets all dry and stuff? And you clean up the cut, but the sock you're wearing is still encrusted with the crimson necter of the vampyre, so you've got to walk around with your own dried blood on your leg until you can change socks. I hate that. |
Ozy and Millie: "A bittersweet remembrance of childhood," they call it. Personally, I just think the artist likes drawing stuff he saw in an acid trip. |
Penny Arcade: Gaming humor. Which is actually funny. |
Pillars of Faith: "You got your Buffy the Vampire Slayer mythology in my atmospheric webcomic!"
"You got your atmospheric webcomic in my Buffy the Vampire Slayer mythology!" ...Get it? |
The Polymer City Chronicles: Yes, it's a big, big world! Big guns, big monsters, and big... video-gaming references! Heh... I think I'm funny. |
Purple Pussy: A maelstrom of violent sex and sex-induced violence centering around a purple cat. Ahh... Absolut Dave Kelly. |
PVP: Finally, something which can bring dignity and respect to the gaming industry through-- Ah, screw that. Random panda maulings and decapitation! Gratuitous shoot outs! ALE AND WHORES! |
?: The name says it all. |
Return to Sender: Yes. |
Road Waffles: There's a lot of gratuitous killing of rabbits in this strip, but there's a lot of gratuitous killing of everything else too, so it evens out. |
Sabrina Online: Don't tell them, but me and a bunch of other Internet comic strips're gonna get together and jump Sabrina Online and force 'em to stop being so much better than the rest of us! |
Sandwich World: It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad delicatessen!! Ultrazebraman T.O.M. is the proprietor, so you're required by Zebra Law to check it out or get herded into a net by guys in rubber suits. |
Schoolbooks and Brimstone: Aw... damn. Again. |
Sinfest: It's so rare to find an artist whose drawing style is virtually flawless. |
Sluggy Freelance: The patron saint of web comics and my first real experience with the concept. This site's so good, it doesn't need a big-ass link. Go there. Make it ritual. Become one with the psychadelic soap opera that is Sluggy Freelance. |
Soap on a Rope: Some balding guy who works as lowly tech-support and draws comics travels to other dimensions and battles evil aliens and stuff. The animation in the fan art page is hypnotic. |
S.S.D.D.: Gad, how I love psychotic rabbits! It's just such a golden concept! Oh... I mean, um, I love the concept. Yeah. Check out the Fan Art section or you die. |
The Suburban Jungle: The trials and tribulations of a tigress struggling to make it as a model. Good fun, especially when someone gets eaten. |
Supermegatopia: If every comic in the world were like Supermegatopia, we wouldn't need a Heaven... we'd already be there. Home of... (sigh)... Delilah.
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Superosity: Hmmm... "The Yellow Submarine" meets "Lexx." And it's one of the most realistic webcomics I've ever seen. |
U.F.O.: Again, yes. |
Unicorn Jelly: Sort of a weird "Dungeons & Dragons"-ish fantasy revolving around a blob of crap that thinks it's meant to be a unicorn. Lighthearted, deep and hideously cute all at the same time. |
Vet on the Net: Vet on the Net, animal medical center and nexus of all anime parody. |
Wendy: Dammit, it's not fair!! Why do so many comics have to be so much better than mine?? Huh? |
The Wings of Change: Established Zebrite Mari Rose brings us a charming tale of dragons, flying elves, and humorous third party elements inserted into the description for comical suggestion! |
The Wotch: God, I love it when klutzes get god-like powers. |
Ape-Law: "...Now watch, and be amazed as Jon Morris draws Jeremy, hosts an utterly bitching selection of ubercartoonists, creates an online portfolio, makes fun of old crappy comics, provides scathingly humorous editorial on the state of the industry and juggles three chainsaws while blindfolded and strapped to a chair!" |
Deep Fried: I want you to find and kill Jason Yungbluth. Do it for me. |
Hell Creek City: Oh, man! This portfolio's so good I feel like sticking a thumbtack in my LEFT eye! |
Jerkbox Studios: Two zany catoonists and their zany pet projects. Jerkbox & Punk'nhead: If Quentin Tarantino was in charge of Hell, you might just get something like this. Silicon Valley of the Kings: Egyptian Gods in a corporate setting. Good, original stuff. And zany! |
Project Mayhem: No, the other Project Mayhem. The one where some of the most skilled cartoonists anywhere get together to blind us with their divine brilliance and draw Deadman and Batgirl. That one. |
SnowBuni: Three words: "Barbarella." "Rabbits." "Manga." |
Starfield Creations: Have you SEEN what this guy's done with Mega Man?? |
The Belfry: A longtime friend of the Webcomic Community, the Belfry mostly features "furry" comics, i.e. comics with some element of anthropomorphism. An incredibly hefty grab bag of online cartooning. |
Big Panda: They got some kinda nutty popularity contest goin' on over there... kind of cluttered if you ask me. |
Keenspace: A free hosting service for literally hundreds of online comics. Feel free to take your chances - some of it's quite good, some not so good, some showing potential. It's the tidal wave of the future, man... |
Keenspot: Keenspace's big brother. If you think you haven't heard of this chances are you're wrong. A rich assortment of some of the best, most professional and all-around finest Internet-based comics on the Web. Many smaller comics look to Keenspot as a lonely country belle looks to Hollywood with stars in her eyes and a dream in her heart, or as a grossly obese man looks to a weight-loss program with pathetic delusions of success and cholesterol in his bloodstream. |
Apelife: These people may not make cinematic history, but they mark it as their territory anyway. ARGH! |
Camp Chaos: The pioneer of noseless comedy and a veritable haven for metalheads and toilet humor enthusiasts. |
Icebox: The next best thing to animated primetime TV. Hm... better than animated primetime TV. |
Joe Cartoon: Ever feel the need to just indulge in wanton cruelty to animals and small humans? |
Killfrog: Never before have the powers of Purest Evil and Cute become so indistinguishable. |
Mondo Media: LA LA LA LA LA LA, LA LA LA LA LA LA! |
Newgrounds: You know it's good when most of it's probably illegal! |
Radiskull & Devil Doll: Ahhh, touching melodies rendered by a demonic doll and a giant floating skull. Exquisite. | This site has everything. And pisses on it. |
Shockwave: Whatever your tastes may be, chances are you'll find something you like here. They've actually revived "The Critic!" |
This one was submitted by superfan and lieutenant in my army of darkness, Tom Martin!
And THIS one comes from Ed Kennedy, through use of his superhuman powers of "flash" animation.
Oop, oop, and here comes Mari Rose! Watch out, world!